Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Clever Storage Ideas...

Sometimes it's not always about the big storage....
all the luck in the world


1 long twig plus 4 more attached length ways with twine from a stationers (or the pound shop if your lucky!!

Viola Sometimes

Vintage tins like these make great storage and look fantastic.  Perfect for paper clips, rubbers, sharpeners etc on an office shelf or  even kids hairclips and hair bands. Really useful when faced with the morning rush from the kitchen.  

Really nice ideas for children's rooms, above images via hus&hem and Guns hips swollen lips blogs. 

I would put old schoolwork and artwork in the boxes above and use the smaller boxes for all the rest of  the *Beep* that children collect in their rooms! Perfect x

 - use wrapping paper, vintage material or whatever you can find to cover old shoe and jewellrey boxes for this fab idea.

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