Monday, 8 March 2010

Black + White = Perfect

Oh how i love black and white interiors. If used correctly- colours balanced etc etc you can create a really stunning base with which to add your own personal magic. Swedish Stylist Sofie Lawett nee: Andersson, manages this beautifully. Her images can be seen in Ikea, Elle Interior and House & Home amongst others and are a real pleasure to look at.

I found these pics via Emmas Design Blog.  Emma's blog is definately one of my favourites.  Her images are devine and she is definately one of my blogging heroes.

Here are a few pics from her site.


  1. explendit blog, congratulations
    regard from Reus Catalonia
    thank you

  2. Thank you soooo much for your kind words of encouragement. You are my very first commentator and i really do appreciate that. Thank you.
