Thursday, 11 March 2010

Colour crazy

I love love love colourful homes.  Maybe it's because i'm a mother of 4 and keeping a pristine and immaculate home is definitely NOT going to happen with my brood.  London can be a very grey and gloomy place in the winter months...hell, most months (who am i kidding!!), except for summer that is when London is an absolute glorious country to live in.
Here is a home which can only make you smile, courtesy of Hus & Hem. This Swedish interior design magazine is one of my favourites.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Vintage Love

Beth Evans is from South London, whose enviable home has been featured on the wonderful design blog Apartment Therapy. Beth has a shop on Etsy called Loll and Lie which sells vintage cushions.
She has used her own vintage pillow collection coupled with mid century furniture and has created a very welcoming and comfortable home.  I especially love her office with the vintage green roller blind and retro office chair.

Black + White = Perfect

Oh how i love black and white interiors. If used correctly- colours balanced etc etc you can create a really stunning base with which to add your own personal magic. Swedish Stylist Sofie Lawett nee: Andersson, manages this beautifully. Her images can be seen in Ikea, Elle Interior and House & Home amongst others and are a real pleasure to look at.

I found these pics via Emmas Design Blog.  Emma's blog is definately one of my favourites.  Her images are devine and she is definately one of my blogging heroes.

Here are a few pics from her site.

Dos Family Blog

Dos Family is another Swedish blog that i look at daily.  I adore house tours and this blog really does have some amazing pictures of swedish homes.  I absolutely love the mix of mid century modern with flea market buys. This look can be recreated really easily with a good eye for a bargain and a love of flea markets or charity shops.

Here are a few pics from their site that i thought you might like, that's if you haven't visited them yet that is...

Dos Family have also been featured as one of Times Online's 50 of the worlds best blogs. Well deserved i say.
x M x


I realised a short time ago that i have a mild obsession with Interior based blogs. I can read and browse and follow links for hours!! Not so good when you have a family who think that your passion is oh so boring compared too uh rubbish!!! Any how, i wanted to show some pics of a wonderful blog that i chanced upon while on another marathon blog spying session. Anna Malin whose blog Helt Enkelt is now quite possibly my new Styling Mantra.

Anna has a wonderful way of combining four main colours, and being very meticulous in her use of these. Black, White and Duck Egg Blue with a touch of tangerine..sublime. I shall post more pics of her wonderful site later., or better still, have a look for yourselves.