Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Balenciaga taste Primark budget!

To all with Balenciaga tastes but a Primark budget this i hope is the blog for you.

Here i am in blog world and quite amused/terrified by the whole thing.

I love fashion and i love interiors so here i am to share my world. Now don't start getting too excited because there are two things that i simply do not possess in abundance (which it seems is akin to blasphemy or worse in these circles darling, ....money and a very healthy social life! No Martin Margiela shoe boots lurking beautifully in the bottom of my wardrobe unfortunately (although i did almost purchase a pair of Peacock lookalikes which weren't awful and didn't make me feel like a complete pauper! So if like me your living on a budget this blog will be right up your street!! less of the shabby chic and more of the chiconomy.... with a little Primark/Primarni thrown in for good luck x

I live and love in east London and personal style is all around. Quirky, kooky everything goes on here and nobody bats an eyelid.